  • Home Page

    Home page displays current articles (Current year News) and short description of it. However one can also filter articles of past year. One can see detailed article by clicking on “More” button.
  • Article Detail

    Administrator of “BasballSoftballofuk” can insert / edit news which normal user can only view. User control – BBTag control is used created the news content in HTML format.

  • Link

    Administrator of “BaseballSoftballuk” can place the link different category wise, edit description, delete link with this page. Normal user can access this link only. Administrator can create new category, update / delete existing category

  • Lookup tool

    This page takes query as query string and depending on that query the search result will be generated dynamically and depending on the data type of the fields filter criteria will be populated. If no filtration is applied, grid will display all records.

  • Report filter

    This page displays different type of reports.
  • Softball tournaments

    Page displays description of the event, last updates and news about entries.

  • Topic Manager

    One can add, update and delete topics with the help of this page.

  • Reports

    • This page displays report category. Depending on the category selected, its template will be fetched automatically. If “select with filter” is clicked then previously saved template data will be loaded and if “Select” is clicked then filter options will be provided.
    • User can apply filter.
    • User has privilege to save current result of grid in the form of template. User can also overwrite old template with new result.



The website provides a central point for news, resources, communication and administrationacross baseball and softball. One of the most important functions of the websites is to allow leagues and teams to publish fixtures, results, standingsand their own news, and to manage their player rosters. The BSUK website is-separated into sections across the top of the site: Home, Baseball, Softball,Youth, and National Teams